Diversity is a “Possibility”.
Think about the future by connecting people.
We provide opportunities for multicultural understanding and volunteer activities to connect the citizens of the world. Our facilities are open to the general public and anybody can drop by as often as they want. We assume the role as a base of international exchange and do this through various activities including the providing of information and consultation, language support, and cooperation with other organizations.
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Our Services
What We Can Do
We also hold a lot of additional activities
at Kyoto City International House.

What’s “kokoka”?
What’s “kokoka”?
“kokoka” is a nickname derived from the collecting of ideas for Kyoto City International House. Since our 25th anniversary, the name, logo and mascot of “kokoka” are all registered trademarks.
See more about “kokoka”
We encourage inquiries about our website, rental meeting rooms, various projects, kokoPlaza and others by telephone, e-mail, and FAX. Feel free to ask us.
Email Newsletter
Subscribe to our Newsletter
We have two mail-magazines, one is the “Kyoto International Foundation Mail-magazine” in which we provide information on events we organize or co-host, and the “Easy Living for Foreigners Mail-magazine” in which we provide information on disasters, safety and related events to foreigners.
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Kyoto International
Students Information Site

Event Calendar

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Disaster Prevention
Information for

Inquiry Counter
for Foreign Citizens
in Kyoto City

kokoka Volunteer Blog
2-1 Torii-cho, Awataguchi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8536 JAPAN
Open/9:00am - 9:00pm Close/Mondays and New Year Holidays
(Closed Tuesday and open Monday if Monday is a National Holiday)